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Quickfix: Zigbee/Z-Wave USB on QNAP

I am running Home Assistant as a docker installation on my QNAP TS-251+ NAS and wanted to add Z-Wave/ZigBee capabilities to my home automation using the HUSBZB-1 USB Stick, a combined Z-Wave/ZigBee controller. Got mine for ~45EUR incl. shipping and import tax from

Stick arrived today – plugged into the NAS – checked if detected as USB-Serial – NOPE 🙁

A quick “lsusb” dump told me that the device has been detected, but the drivers where not loaded, so no /dev/ttyUSBx – QNAP is not loading the modules by default.


Login to your QNAP via SSH an run the following commands:

Re-plug the stick and you (should) have two new devices: /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 🙂

And if you want to use a Aeotec AEOEZW090-C Z-Wave controller, log in to your QNAP and run


insmod /usr/local/modules/ftdi_sio.ko

DIY IoT Central – Home Assistant / InfluxDB / Grafana

Get started with Home Assistant, InfluxDB and Grafana.

Laying the Foundation

Create several directories to persist configurations, logs & data

You’ll most likely use different directory names – keep in mind that you have to update the docker-compose.yaml too
/share/Container/home-assistant Home Assistant configuration
/share/Container/influxdb InfluxDB Data & Config
/share/Container/grafana/log Grafana Logs
/share/Container/grafana/data Grafana Data

Basic configuration

InfluxDB Generate the default config for InfluxDB

docker run --rm influxdb:1.2-alpine influxd config > influxdb.conf

Now move the influxdb.conf to your config directory (in my case /share/Container/influxdb)

Home Assistant If no configuration is found, Home Assistant will create a basic configuration itself after the container has started.

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